Zoom image from origin

Zoom images from its origin while opening the image gallery.

You need to know the original image size upfront and provide it via data-lg-size attribute as data-lg-size=“1920-1280”

If you don’t know, the size of a few images in the list, you can skip the data-lg-size attribute for the particular slides, lightGallery will show the default animation if data-lg-size is not available


HTML Structure
<div id="lg-share-demo">
        <img src="img/thumb1.jpg" />
        <img src="img/thumb2.jpg" />

Using zoomFromOrigin with responsive images

If you want to use zoomFromOrigin option with responsive images, You can provide specific lg-size values for specific screen size by providing a comma separated list of sizes combined with a max-width (up to what size the particular image should be used)

For example, if you have similar html structure,

        data-lg-size="240-160-375, 400-267-480, 1600-1067"
        data-responsive="/img/img-240.jpg 375, /img/img-400.jpg 480"
        <img alt="thumb" src="img/thumb.jpg" />

Up to 375 width, img.240.jpg and lg-size 240-160 will be used. Similarly, up to 480 pixel width, size 400-267 and img-400.jpg will be used. And above 480, lg-size 1600-1067 and img-1600.jpg will be used

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